At the end of the week with all kinds of weird “news” aplenty time has come to make a brief analysis of the events. The past seven days have started and ended with one and the same piece of news – the alleged poisoning of arms dealer Emiliyan Gebrev.

At the end of the week with all kinds of weird “news” aplenty time has come to make a brief analysis of the events. The past seven days have started and ended with one and the same piece of news – the alleged poisoning of arms dealer Emiliyan Gebrev.

At the end of the week with all kinds of weird “news” aplenty time has come to make a brief analysis of the events. The past seven days have started and ended with one and the same piece of news – the alleged poisoning of arms dealer Emiliyan Gebrev.

Almost everyone - from the Bulgarian top echelon officials (See here) down to cops of all ranks and caliber to the fans of conspiracy theories - have taken the floor to comment the event. Some of them even managed to “cash in” their expertise of police vets taking the “right sides” in these discussions (See here).  

Amidst this verbal cacophony the oligarchs’ paid spokespersons joined in the talks – some staying in Bulgaria to ruin the state, some hiding out abroad to flee justice… However, in the hypothetical Novichok assault all of them smelled the opportunity to lug in the whole story the name of their sworn enemy, namely Delyan Peevski. The lawmaker and publisher of Telegraph Media have long been a thorn in the side of the “clean” oligarchs thanks to his uncanny attempts to forestall their shady dealings in the name of some negligible citizens and their native country. And in these geographic latitudes such attempts are not appreciated, especially among the immediately affected oligarchs.         
Quite expectedly they set in motion their mouthpieces. A full panoply of oligarchic pawns was put in operation: the ageing and servile “microphone holders” (See here) more famous for their new Botox-filled faces than for their achievements in journalism or the Russian protégés (See here) dreaming of sinecures in politics or secret services. Actually it doesn’t matter who is talking the important thing is to say what is “right” for the oligarchs, does it?

Oh, we nearly missed to mention one special character who crawled out into the limelight in recent days. Boiko Noev, former minister of defence in the Kostov’s cabinet and a frequent guest in the office of Tsvetan Vassilev scurries around TV studios and in hushed voice and with eyes down repeats the mantra saying that Vassilev and Gebrev were mortal foes back in the 1990s and therefore there is nothing that could bring them together today. Even an ammunition plant worth hundreds of millions? Nobody asks this question because it is not convenient and nothing stings like the truth. You never know in these hard times of Novichok what can happen to you, don’t you?

Otherwise if we have to look realistically at the events of the last week, we will have to say that all this hotchpotch we witnessed only makes the situation totally obscure. The facts are few and are not easily evidenced. We only know that if there were incidents of poisoning with Novichok nerve agent in Bulgaria it would be abhorring. Just as scary is the fact that some Russians with false identities roamed about Bulgaria and the British authorities have serious grounds to consider that they are dealing with eliminating some redundant pawns in the geopolitical game for the advanced actors. And this should be probed into seriously and scrupulously and the results must be made public promptly. Simply to avoid the feeling that something is hushed up and swept under the carpet. Because the years-long silence has given rise to such malignant formations like oligarchs-publishers who think that they can orchestrate the public agenda in Bulgaria and to eliminate everyone who is inconvenient to them, be it with Novichok or Kazachok (See here). Everything depends on what goals set to themselves the behind-the-scenes power brokers and on the mainstream (which according to the transcripts of the ARGO-gate is controlled by Ivo Pokopiev but this not reliable information, no matter that Prokopiev admitted it himself. He has previously admitted other things too but he still gives orders about who has to be hit.)                

And in our Fake News rubric you will find information about all attempts of the oligarchs at cheating the public. Read it to stay informed and not to let the oligarchic wants and interests draw you in their survival games and the new plunder of Bulgaria. 

F-16 will make Bulgarian Air Force interoperable with NATO for decades to come

F-16 Block 70 fighter jets guarantee Bulgaria’s interoperability with NATO air force for decades ahead. This is specified in the stand of the global security and airspace company Lockheed Martin voiced on the occasion of the progress made in the selection procedure of new aircraft for the Bulgarian Air Force.

On the eve of Christmas it became clear that the working group comprising the military and politicians considered the bids for purchasing new fighter jets and recommended to start negotiations with the US for the acquisition of F-16. “Bulgaria, which is making progress in F-16 Block 70 acquisition, may be sure that the country will have enhanced and modern fighter jet system which for decades will guarantee interoperability within the framework of configuration of hundreds of aircraft shared by air forces of many NATO states,” explained James Robinson, International Business Development Director for the F-16 Programme at Lockheed Martin (See here).

MONITOR WEEKLY DIGEST is a joint rubric of Monitor news agency and English-language edition Europost. It is published once a week, on Sunday.